Access – Naomi


Naomi feels that poor communication caused delays in her care because she was transferred back and forth between two hospitals.


I think it really was just falling through the cracks of the system but when I returned to the hospital at the end of August with heart failure I should have gone to [cardiac center], but I went to the [trauma center]. They are completely different health authorities and so the communication was just not enough and like occasionally I think about it, but I try not to, because it kind of upsets me. It’s like, I was dying. Dying of heart failure and kidney failure and like why didn’t I preemptively get an LVAD? Like I could have avoided the second time on ECMO. I could have avoided you know – like I just feel like I never went to the ICU. I was in the heart ward the entire time while I was dying of kidney and heart failure – that makes no sense to me.

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